AT&T Certification is Simple

If your device uses an AT&T Approved Module take the actions below simultaneously to initiate the Network Ready process. It’s possible that your device may already be certified, and does not require network ready testing. Review this list of AT&T Certified Devices to find out if your device is already certified. We only certify devices based on 5G NR, LTE, and LTE-M technologies. In addition, there are a few devices listed here that you can not currently test on your own. You may find it helpful to download our checklist for AT&T Network Ready Certification as a PDF.

    • Determine How You will Identify Your Device

      Network Ready devices must comply with either of the following identification methods.
      Prior to network testing, you’ll need to choose the method you plan to use.
      (click on the links to learn more about each one)

  • Order AT&T TRENDI SIMs

    The Test Requirements for Evaluating Network Ready Devices for IoT (TRENDI) verifies that your device will work efficiently on our network, is capable of receiving SMS messages, and is using the same software/firmware you use for INC certification (see below). TRENDI takes approximately 24 hours, and requires that you use a single AT&T SIM . You can order your AT&T SIM for TRENDI at this link. We will mail you an ACTIVATED SIM with detailed instructions for testing. You can also view the testing instructions here.

    NOTE:  If you already have AT&T SIM cards with an identifier that begins with 8901170, you may onboard your device here. THESE TRENDI SIMS ARE FOR CERTIFICATION TESTING ONLY  -- NOT FOR DEVELOPMENT. 


  • Get Industry Certified

    Your device must be IoT Network Certified™ (INC) and meet AT&T’s minimum antenna performance specifications for testing. At this link, you can view the AT&T antenna performance limits. For more information on INC, please visit IoT Network Certified. The minimum required bands for operation on the AT&T US domestic network are LTE Bands 2, 4, and 12. INC certification can be obtained through any authorized INC lab. Please see labs and resources for information to get started. Additionally, AT&T has partnered with two INC labs for exclusive tiered pricing.

    Accelerate your INC Certification!

    AT&T has created a partnership with two labs who have agreed to offer exclusive tiered pricing through our IoT Accelerator INC Program.
    Click to learn more!

Once you have initiated industry certification at INC and received your Request Number...SUBMIT your device for AT&T Certification
Submit Here

Implementation Guides

Download helpful implementation guides and information for best practices (log in required).
Documents available include: TAM Webinar Slides, Securing the Internet of Things, and Implementation Guides covering Device Management, Connected Car, and FirstNet.

IoT Security and GSMA Guidelines

When it comes to security, AT&T follows the best practices of the GSMA guidelines, and we encourage our partners to follow them as well.
Click here to download the latest GSMA guidelines as a PDF.

Some Devices May Not Qualify for Our Simple Certification Procedures

Some Devices May Not Qualify for Our Simplest Network Ready Procedures

In some cases, becoming Network Ready requires different steps. This is true of the following device types:

  • Drones
  • Telematics Control Units (factory installed)
  • Devices that will use a FirstNet SIM

Additionally,  separate certification processes are required for devices using chipsets or non-approved modules. Click here, navigate to "Device Certification (IoT & MVNO)" and select "Create Certification Request". You will be guided into the correct process to get certified on these device types. Please click here to contact our team for additional questions or any assistance with the certification process.