TRENDI Device Certification Testing with AT&T

Test Requirements for Evaluating Network Ready Devices for IoT (TRENDI)


If you have questions about the requirements, you can find answers to them on the IoT Devices Website at

Before you get started

1. Initiate IoT Network Certified (INC) certification and get your request number

2. Create a Project Record within the AT&T portal (the process referred to as “onboarding”) at using your Request Number obtained in the previous step and receive your unique “Device ID”. You will need this certification request started before you can continue with TRENDI testing.

Use an AT&T approved module.

If you have not already done so, verify that your device uses an AT&T approved module with an approved software version by downloading a list at

Make sure you are using an AT&T approved SIM

Approved SIMs have an ICCID that begin with 8901170. You may use a SIM from previous certifications or other projects so long as the ICCID begins with 8901170 and our AT&T certification engineers can view the SIM in the AT&T Control Center.

A SIM can be sent to you if you request them through our onboarding portal at

Use the final production hardware and exact software you submitted for PTCRB

AT&T will reject any test results if the device hardware, software, or module firmware deviates from what was or will be used for PTCRB certification.

TRENDI activated test criteria

During testing, we will be verifying timers associated with Attach/Detach behavior. This applies to Test SIMs with ICCIDs beginning with 8901170.

  1. The network will maintain Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context for up to 8 hours of inactivity. If there is no data activity, the network will initiate the Packet Data Network (PDN) detach.
  2. Your device will need to re-initiate attachment (note that the device’s IP address may change as a result).
  3. The NAT/PAT translation is maintained at the AT&T firewall.
    • TCP should be maintained up to 60 minutes for outbound and corresponding inbound reply traffic
    • UDP should be maintained up to 2 minutes for outbound and corresponding inbound reply traffic


The number of authentication requests must be fewer than 19 per hour and it is ideal to have fewer than 6.
Non-emergency keep alive traffic will not exceed once every 60 seconds.

TRENDI deactivated test criteria

During testing, we will be verifying that the device is not too aggressive when it is unable to access the network

  1. AT&T will deactivate the Home Subscriber Service and Home Location Register (HSS/HLR).
  2. Your device will receive a signaling message consistent with GPRS failure, PDP context failure, GSM failure, or LTE attach failure.


Routine power cycling/resetting of device or module is allowed to clear permanent cause codes.

Steady state behavior cannot exceed the timing of “once every 4 hours” (for example: 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hour, 4 hour, 4 hour, 4 hour, …)

While the number of authentication requests must be fewer than 19 per hour, it is ideal to have fewer than 6.

Access point name

Any approved SIM (ICCID begins with 8901170) will have open Internet access. 4G/LTE devices will use “” as the pre-designated test APN while 5G devices will use “”. You may use your own account SIM with associated APN as long as the SIM begins with 8901170 and AT&T certification engineers can view the SIM in the AT&T Control Center.


If you have questions about the requirements, you can find answers to them on the IoT Devices Website at

  1. Please make sure the device and its embedded module are set up and configured EXACTLY as your end customer would use your device (as they would be “out of the box”).
  2. Insert the TRENDI SIM into your device and ensure your device is connected to the AT&T network.
    Leave the device powered on for 24-hours, allowing the device to perform its functions during this interval.
  3. Configure your device to perform it’s intended functions that utilize cellular data, SMS, or voice capabilities — beyond simply booting up. For example, if an action should cause your device to trigger an alarm, we need to see it in action (using a User Initiated Action, Sensor, or Alarm-based Interrupt, etc). This allows AT&T to baseline the device performance and verify that Data/SMS usage (i.e.: Keep Alives/ Autonomous Reporting/Check-Ins/ Regular Activity) is not excessive.
  4. Verify your device is functioning correctly and that these use cases are being performed over the cellular interface.
  5. Log into the AT&T portal at Select the Device Certification tile then open the applicable project record (use the pencil icon).
  6. Navigate to the “TRENDI” tab.
  7. Select “Schedule Test.”
  8. A pop up will appear to schedule a new TRENDI test record. Populate the ICCID and IMEI field.
    • ICCID: Unique identification number associated with the SIM
    • IMEI: Unique identification number associated to the device which the SIM is placed in
  9. Select “Submit” once complete.
  10. After submitting, the “Test Status” will be one of the following:
    • Running: the test has been successfully scheduled
    • Pass: the test has passed TRENDI testing
    • Fail: the test has failed TRENDI testing
    • Test Not Run: the test was not scheduled and could not be run

Once the TRENDI test has been submitted, the 24 hour testing period will begin. Please leave the device powered on for the duration of the test.

NEW: The updated TRENDI process (launched in early 2022) will automatically activate, deactivate, and record the results of the SIM under test. This process only requires a single SIM and device for all TRENDI testing.

NEW: TRENDI test results will be provided via email notification through the Onboarding Tool. There will also be a PDF copy of available to view from the “TRENDI” tab of the project record

Please note: Only one TRENDI test record can be created when an active test is in the “Running” status. No more than 15 TRENDI tests can be created for a single project record. Currently, TRENDI tests cannot be cancelled once submitted.

Tests completed! What’s next?

  • Determine which method you will use to identify your device (Dedicated TAC, IMEI submission, or LwM2M). Refer to this link for more information.
  • Complete industry certification through PTCRB.
  • Verify that PTCRB has been paid, and that your device is listed as “Approved” on the PTCRB site.
  • Verify that the device meets AT&T’s antenna (TRP/TIS) performance requirements (